You know that old saying, “never do today what you can put off until tomorrow”, right?
I’m quite good at that as evidenced by the fact that we’ve been home from vacation for over 3 weeks and I still haven’t posted anything about the vacation yet. It was very nice to get away and spend time with my wife and just explore our destinations. We were on a river cruise down the Danube River that took us through several European countries. If you like architectural photography, then this would be the trip for you. I took pictures there but not nearly as many as I usually do. It was kind of nice walking around without a camera for a change. Without a doubt the churches and castles took center stage, and they didn’t disappoint. They were all pretty by day, but it was at night when their true beauty stood out. I did not post many, but it will give you an idea of what there is to see on a trip like this. Click on the images to enlarge…
Just cruising by the small towns…
Old (church, lower left) and older (castle ruins up on the hill)
Budapest by day….
Budapest at night!!!!
Typical city scene in Prague…..
It was a wonderful eight days, weather was perfect, people could not have been nicer. If it’s on your bucket list, I can highly recommend it!!!