Last week was a bit of a strange week for me photographically. The weather cooperated (which is strange in itself) but I was inundated with Green Herons! It wasn’t unusual for me to see 5 at a time at the wetland.
And it seemed like the frogs took the brunt of the heron invasion. Oh, I’m sure the bugs in the area were happy about it, but it seemed like every time I looked there was a frog getting his last rites read to him by a Greenie. Click the images to enlarge
And these Herons weren’t picking on the little frogs. Some of these frogs were bigger than I thought the heron could handle, but eventually they all became breakfast for the heron.
Almost lost him!!!!
A shaky grip….
And of course, his buddy had to come over and try and steal his breakfast!!!
It probably took 15 minutes for the heron to kill, position, and swallow the frog. All while keeping his “buddy” from stealing it!
And the whole time this was happening, there was a kingfisher about 30 feet away from him, just watching the show. Probably hoping the heron would drop the frog and let the Kingfisher steal it……
Eventually the frog disappeared down the hatch and the Kingfisher got bored and left.
Show's over? I'm outta here!
Moral of the story? I’m not sure there is one. But maybe it’s just that you never know when the Big Kahuna is going to toll the bell for you. So live your life like today is your last…… that means get out and shoot!!!!
Thanks for looking!