But it didn’t exactly start out that way. I was awakened at 3am by a very bright thunder and lightning storm. I thought about rolling over and going back to sleep but then I realized that I couldn’t do that because today was the day that my wife was going to come and shoot with me! This doesn’t happen very often. It’s not that she doesn’t like wildlife, but she’s not crazy about the early hours that go along with it. But she managed to get up and out on time and off we went.
When we got to the wetland and started walking to our shooting spot, we were greeted by an unusual sight: Lots of fallen trees in our path to our spot! That storm that came through really did some damage! We had to crawl over or through several large blow-downs and I wasn’t really sure if we we going to make it to our spot. But eventually we got there and got set up and ready. It was just starting to turn from night into day. You know, that greyish, black and white look when the world is just starting to show signs of life. For me, this is the best time of day. The light is slowly creeping in, you can hear the Beavers out there finishing up their work, the birds are starting to sing and life is just perfect.
We were fortunate enough to see plenty of action. The woodies were there, the Beavers stayed active until well after dawn, but the Otters were the stars of the show. They are a delight to just watch as they go about their lives. And the Kingfisher made a cameo appearance just before we were about to leave and even brought us a fish to photograph! And who could forget the clowns of the wetland, the Green Herons!
Playing “king of the log”
Fishing expert!
She loves her job!
He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother!!!!
So all in all, we were fortunate that we didn’t turn back. It was a wonderful day, made even better by being able to spend some real quality time with my wife! Let’s see how soon she wants to go back! Now, get out and shoot!