It’s the middle of February already….. and most of the bird photographers that I know are anxiously awaiting ice-out on the local waters, including me!
So when Brick Pond opened up this last week, I knew that I had to get out and get going on spring training. It’s not just for athletes, we photographers lose our edge and sense of timing when we aren’t actively shooting on a regular basis.
Even though the only birds available were geese and Mallards, that’s okay. They are both good choices to get your panning skills back in shape, and every once in a while, you get a keeper out of your practice pics. I don’t think there are any from this bunch that I will keep for the archives but that’s not the point. Get out, sharpen your skills and enjoy being alive and out in nature! click on the images to enlarge
Make the most out of your practice time, no matter the species….. I wish the background was blurred a bit more….
Once in a while, you get surprise guests, like these Hooded Mergansers!!!
Jump shooting!!!
In Sync, wings down!
Slightly different wing position… you like this one or the one above?
Start with a goose, end with a goose!
It doesn’t matter what species you use as practice, but you definitely need to shake the rust off! When the shot of a lifetime comes around you’ll want to be ready!
Thanks for looking!!!!