I can’t believe that I’m in Florida shooting Wood Ducks! But when the other, more unusual birds don’t come out to play, you’ve got to shoot what is in front of you. And make them the best you can.
Which is why I started this post with the Wood Ducks. They are beautiful birds and are in their prime plumage and are well worth my effort. Click on the images to enlarge.
Early morning get together….
Still my favorite duck….. beautiful!
Another early morning visitor was the Yellow Crowned Night Heron, which I showed you in the last post. And he was in his favorite spot, in the bushes with no clear shot for me. And to make it worse was that he was showing off for his girlfriend! Damn bushes!!!!
By this time the Sun was getting pretty bright, and the images were getting pretty harsh. The best light for a bird photographer is filtered sunlight. And there wasn’t a cloud in sight, so I knew I had to work quickly because time wasn’t on my side.
Tri Color Heron
You can either wait for the birds to step into a shadow or just minimize the harsh Sun as best you can. The image above is a Tri Colored Heron who was in semi-shade and about the best you can hope for in this scenario.
And the bird below is a Little Blue Heron, who was about to step into a patch of sunlight. You just have to wait for your best opportunity and then don’t hesitate!
I just love the Bald Cypress tree as a background!
On a beautiful day like this, doing the best you can is an absolute pleasure! Thanks for looking!