I’ve hit a bit of a lull in my shooting, mainly because I’ve been so busy!! End of year at the photo club, the club picnic, Waterman photo contest and just getting the grass cut twice a week!
But this morning I was at Lindsay parsons in Danby. I haven’t been there in two weeks andI wanted to see hoe the GBH chicks were doing. The last time I was there you could hardly see them above the top of the nest but they have grown considerably and are becoming a handful to their parents.
Mom’s Home!!!!
A Chip Off the Old Block!!!
I have plenty of GBH pics and I need to learn how to shoot video so I spent most of the morning butchering one video after another. Finally I got one that I’m not totally embarrassed to show you. They are totally unedited because I haven’t learned the editing software yet. One step at a time! These little ones are already becoming a handful and they are only half grown! Hopefully by the end of the year I will learn how to edit videos so they won’t look so bad. The clicking you hear is from the chicks yapping for more food! The video is below. Enjoy!