Spring...... Almost There!!!

If you have been out in the woods you have seen the unmistakable signs that we are getting closer to the end of Winter. Small streams running quicker, pond ice that is melting at the edges, and the songbirds are getting more vocal by the day! I’m sure you will see geese heading North this week too.
All of this reminds me that I have housekeeping work to do on my Lightroom catalog. Time to get rid of the marginal photos that clog up your hard drive and get ready for more images to fill that hard drive! When I was doing this I found some images from late last Fall that I did not even look through or cull out the bad ones. Most are from the end of November when times are tough for a bird shooter. It was just before the ice began to form on the ponds and about the only birds around were the Hooded Mergansers and the occasional Eagle trying to catch one of the Mergansers. But being a die-hard I figured if they were still here I would be there too and try and get some late season pics. It’s a whole different color palette at this time of year. Gone are the brilliant colors of Fall. They are replaced by the more drab grays and browns but they have their own kind of beauty too, which I hope you can appreciate. Click on the images to enlarge.

The late Fall is not without it’s appeal. The woods and water are quieter. Gone are the Great Blue Heron chicks who test their parents patience at every opportunity. Even the Canada Geese have left for year. It’s almost like Nature is throwing a spell over the pond to get everyone ready for the snow and ice. It’s definitely a different world.

But get ready because Nature is about to blow the lid off of this peace and quiet!!! As soon as the ice recedes all kinds of ducks and geese will be back. They will be busy nesting and taking care of their young. The songbirds will once again greet us with their happy noise and beautiful colors. And I for one can’t wait…….