We got back from Cape Cod late Friday…. I’m already missing the fresh seafood!
I didn’t get much of a chance to try the teleconverter while we were up there. The last two days of our trip the fog came in and didn’t leave until after dinner! But a few Margaritas took the edge off my disappointment…
So of course I was back out at Brick Pond Saturday morning to try and fine tune the teleconverter that I had rented. And by fine tuning I don’t just mean the teleconverter. Much of the blame for poor sharpness, especially with the long telephoto lenses, can be laid at the feet of the photographer. Shot discipline is an important part of shooting with a long lens. Making sure you have a good solid tripod setup and a smooth shutter release instead of punching the shutter can go a long ways toward getting sharper images. So I’m still working with the converter and my shooting discipline. I think it’s getting better but I’ll let you be the judge…
Nice of him to turn the fish so I could see it….
The one that almost got away…..
No need for a knife and fork….
He needs a drink after that meal!!!
Th-th-that-that’s all folks!!!!!!
And there’s more! I have a short sequence of a GBH who was nice enough to move about 20 yards from my left to right so I could practice my BIF shooting!
Cleared for takeoff…..
Serious stretch!!!
Showing off!
What a difference cloud cover makes….
A bit of a bumpy landing…. But thanks for flying Blue Air!!!!
I’m sure it will take the rest of this year for me to get comfortable with the teleconverter but Hell, that’s half the fun!!!! Thanks for looking!