There I was, waiting for the birds to come in. But there was something that just wasn’t right. It was 70 degrees and sunny, I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. I must be dreaming, or else I’m shooting in Florida. Usually I’m in full camo in a blind and the mosquitos are tattooing their names in my forehead. But here I was, with Mary Lou and Jack, waiting for the birds to arrive. And they didn’t disappoint us! There was at least a half a dozen near us at any one time, picking their way through the Serviceberry tree to get at the delicious berries that they came for.
The light was beautiful, the bird was beautiful, what more could you ask for???
We got a few nice pics with nice light, but we knew it wouldn’t last. The birds started looking into the middle of the tree where it was all dappled light. It’s hard enough to keep up with the birds let alone an ever changing light!
Double Trouble….
Don’t get me wrong these birds are not easy to shoot. They are always on the move and with people walking on the Riverwalk the birds were always moving from one tree to the other.
these guys thought nothing of hanging upside down to get a berry!
Looks like she has been to the Salon!!!
The last two images I put in just to give you some interesting tidbits about the birds. The first image shows why they are called Cedar Waxwings. The wingtips and tail look like they have been dipped in wax and the body is the same color as Cedar wood. And the second image will show that they actually have red eyes, not black. But you can only see it when the light hits the eye at the right angle. I never knew that until I zoomed in on this pic. The stuff you learn! …… Hope you enjoyed the pics. There are several more in my gallery page. Just go here…
That’s all for now. Thanks for looking!!!!