After shoveling for another two hours yesterday I thought "what the heck, I might as well go freeze my ass off in the blind for a couple hours." I have a small blind set up in my backyard with a nice piece of driftwood for the birds to land on. After I dug my blind out of the snow I got in it, closed the top, and I was in my own frozen little world. I now know what it feels like to be a package of peas in the freezer!! There were plenty of birds coming in but the one I really wanted, the Cardinal, was being stuck-up today. So I had to make do with what came by. Not the best outing but any time spent shooting birds is fun! I was impressed by the colors on the Chipping Sparrow. Much more colorful than I thought they would be at this time of year. The session ended early when the Cooper's Hawk came by. Which was just as well, because I was losing the feeling in my toes! Sooner or later I will get that Cardinal pic in just the pose I want! Click the images to enlarge