Even though the weather is still cold, bird activity at Brick Pond is heating up! A pair of immature Bald Eagles have been seen feeding there in the last week and the waterfowl are using the pond as a resting spot on their way north.
I have been there 3 times in the last week, and have seen some species of ducks there that I have never seen before so it was a big thrill for me. Of course being the start of the year for birds my skill hasn't quite caught up to my ambition! And the weather hasn't really cooperated. ISO too high, shutter speeds too low make for less than perfect pics! But practice makes perfect and you won't see anything if you're not out there!
Northern Shovelers... 1/1000 at 5.6, ISO 2500
This was the first time I had seen a Shoveler. I went back 2 more times and they were nowhere to be found.
Ring Neck Ducks.....1/640 at 5.6 ISO 1400.... click to enlarge
These Ring Neck ducks have been there all week and I still haven't been able to get anywhere close to them. These ducks are also a first time species for me. They are quite beautiful with the coloring on the bill....
We don't only see bird life at Brick Pond. This little guy sat very patiently for us one morning.
Busy Beaver..... 1/1250 at f8, ISO 640
And I ran into this little one by accident when I was trying to get closer to the Ring Neck ducks. Shame about the piece of weed sticking up and ruining the image. :( I'm just glad I got the chance to see him!!
1/640 at f5.6 ISO 4000
Last but certainly not the least, these guys put on a real show! There were 5 or 6 males chasing a female around and they would raise themselves up on the water, kick their heads back and croak like a frog!!! And they would constantly fight with one another! Of course the female didn't want anything to do with them!
Hooded Mergansers 1/1250 at f8, ISO 640
Had a great week!! Even though the pics aren't the greatest I had a terrific time! So now is the time to get out to Brick Pond. Some of these birds are just passing through and they wont be here much longer. Don't wait for the perfect day because those days are few and far between!
More to come....