If you think about it, photo ops happen all the time. It's just that many times we are not prepared to take advantage of them. And many times we are not prepared because we did not take the time to practice. Just plain simple practice. It does not have to be anything special either. Take the image below as an example. We were eating dinner the other night out in the sunroom when this little guy showed up at the feeder. At first I thought it was just one of the many Dark Eyed Juncos that grace us with their presence, but something was different about this bird. Luckily, he stuck around long enough for me to go get the camera and put the 200-500 on. Now this is a pretty new lens to me so a good picture was not guaranteed. But one of the many I took was good enough to show up on this page. Is it a great image? Nope. But when I get a chance to get a killer pic of a Kingfisher, I will have a better chance because I took the time to practice on this little bird.
Least Flycatcher
Like Wayne Gretzky said, "You will miss 100% of the shots that you don't take". So get out there and practice!!!
The same with the next picture. I was learning how to use a set of extension tubes. They allow you to use your lens to get a larger than Macro image. But it takes some time to learn the idiosyncracies of the tubes. Take the time to practice before the shot of a lifetime comes your way. Because it won't wait around, it will go find someone else........
This is an abstract of a Canna Lily. This is a stretch for me but I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone! I kinda like it.....
More to come....