Yesterday was supposed to be a trip to Naples Botanical Gardens and the Naples Zoo, but we never made it to the zoo because it was too sunny and hot!!
The Botanical Gardens for a photographer is definitely a case of sensory overload! There is so much to see and photograph you don’t know where to start. But for us it was the new Orchid garden. Mel and I are both Orchid lovers and the new garden they recently completed didn’t disappoint us!
The only downside to the botanical gardens is that on most days they don’t open until 9 am. So as a photographer you have a limited amount of good light unless it is a cloudy day. Which in our case it turned out to be a bright sunny day! So what did we do you ask? Why we went back to the beach and had cocktails of course!!!
In the Asian Garden area....
And of course there are the obligatory sunset photos……………………..
Fire in the Sky...
And that seagull is NOT photoshopped in!
As always, more to come! Click on the photos to enlarge....