Time Is Short.... So Don't Waste It.....

You can feel it in the air… you can see it in that wintry looking sky…. it won’t be long before the ponds and lakes begin freezing up and all of the migrating birds head for more hospitable living conditions.
But on this day Fall was still in charge. The leaves still showed splashes of color that belied the oncoming rush of Jack Frost’s minions. And I was glad that I was able to get out at least one more time before the beauty of Fall was put to rest. I didn’t want to waste this day and I was hoping my wild friends felt the same.

When looking for interesting birds to photograph, people often look right past the common Canada Goose. But in the right environment and composition these birds hold a beauty of their own.

And the Beaver is busy putting on a fresh coat of mud to survive winter’s chill.

But the star of the show today was my old friend, the River Otter. I have been fortunate enough to see my Otter buddies on a regular basis for the last two years and I have enjoyed every encounter. There is no set schedule for these sociable animals so seeing them is a real treat. I was just in the right place at the right time. The light was good and the little guy (or girl) put on a show by posing with breakfast and later by basking in the sun so I could shoot to my hearts content.

The light that I had to work with this morning was about as good as it gets in the real world, and I took full advantage of it!

Looks like he’s putting on weight for the Winter!!!

So if this is my last good photo shoot before Old Man Winter puts the brakes on activity at the wetland, then so be it. I have been extraordinarily fortunate to experience the beauty that this area has to give. And I am more than happy to share it with all of you. If I can put a smile on your face with a picture then that truly makes my day! Now, get out and shoot!!!!